If you have high turnover within your supply chain department, it may be time to take a peek at how you can internally optimize features of your department to engage talent and devise happier, longer-tenured employees. While a paycheck is highly motivating, there are other significant factors to consider that keep employees pleased and more likely to stay within your supply chain system:
Potential for Career Growth
Employees want to work for an establishment where they can acquire, grow, and progress both personally and professionally. The ability to bear promotions and pay raises urges employees to succeed. Having the opportunity for an internal promotion can be used to your advantage, as potential new hires will be enticed by the ability to move up within one business without having to move around.
Company & Job Stability
No one wants to operate in an unfriendly environment that’s volatile and constantly changing. Job Seekers desire to work for employers that meaningfully invest in their representatives with a low turnover rate, so presenting a sense of growth and stability is an exceptional way to keep employees motivated within your company. This is particularly important in the ever-changing field of supply chain management. Showing how solid your organization’s growth has been over the years is also engaging to many individuals.
Driven Leadership Team
An essential but infrequently overlooked characteristic that candidates look for in an employer is the value of a strong leadership team and the opportunity for mentorship. Supply Chain and Logistics Recruiters that guide, advise, and encourage their employees along their career journey is a powerful draw, especially in the supply chain discipline. While salary and benefits are an essential part of attracting the top supply chain talent, it’s just as important to assure your organization provides the opportunity for growth, long term endurance, a strong leadership team, and stands by the values and vision.
Good Work/ Life Balance
It can be tricky, but gaining the balance between a meaningful life outside the office as well as being able to deliver on work responsibilities is essential for employees. Overloading someone with too many responsibilities that take up their time outside of work can lead to burnout. Realizing the need for a balance and providing the opportunity to refine their lives outside of the workplace is crucial for success. Employees value the ability to deal with family or personal issues without working through a lot of red tapes. Being able to work from home as well is another great selling point especially if the salary isn’t very competitive.
Strong and Positive Culture & Work Environment
As stated earlier, while financials are essential, it’s furthermore important than the candidate fits into the overall company culture and environment. Does your company foster an encouraging, fun, productive atmosphere? Is success recognized? Having a good culture is what people care about in life. Individuals tend to stay within a role where they feel the work atmosphere is healthy, positive, and rewarding.
Sound Values & Vision
organizations are doing business, the employees in the organization want to be
girdled by others that have similar values and goals for the future. Establish
and share with current and future employees what your corporation believes in.
When top supply chain talent knows decisions are made off of the core values, a
strong sense of trust and confidence is developed. Logistics and Supply Chain Recruitment Agencies believe that employees are
seeing to work within an organization that is going somewhere with goals and
potential. Without a great sense of vision, there may not be much job seeker